Dentists, Cavities and Delirium

Not for the squeamish, you’ve been warned. Here are memories of teeth and dentists. Cavities and pain were a part of my childhood just as much as hiking and skating were.


The Office

In the principal’s office with the door closed, who knows what took place. Only the male principal and the young girl who probably couldn’t refuse his advances. Did she try? Doesn’t matter, she was underage.

The Russians Are Coming!

Memories of my public school days. Here in Canada, junior school, let’s say 1-8, is ‘public school’. High school was grade 9 to 13, at that time. Grade 12 is the current highest grade, at least in Ontario.


Suspected Abuse – Not a pretty tale but it’s true, at least

The things that go on behind closed doors can be terrible sometimes, even in a setting as peaceful as the village where I grew up. Here are a few tales and observations of several incidents from my childhood.